*ahem* posting...posting...1...2...3...
single male looking for a ride back from baltimore at the finis de yom tov
please inform
gut moeid
single male looking for a ride back from baltimore at the finis de yom tov
Eight days have sorrowfully passed,
Alright, campers. Time to wish DianaNow a very merry birthday. She loves attention. And her father would love to remind her that she's not getting any younger...
If Camp SOY were to go somewhere for Pesach, where would it be? Miami Beach to catch some sun? Poconos- to catch some food? Israel-to catch some Torah? Florence- to get away from Jews?
A very interesting phenomenon occurred last night, which, parenthetically, is both a disgrace to all males and, more broadly, to all humans.
If anybody has some Camp SOY pics they'd like to share, or videos for that matter, there is a way to share them on this blog. Send them to me, and I'll get them put up. Because this blog is about laughing at each other, and nothing makes you snort your milk up your snout like humiliating pictures/videos of coworkers/friends. I don't like putting my email on the internet, so take five seconds to ask one of your fellow SOYers how to reach me if you don't know how to already. Bonus points if you're female and single.
I don't know if everybody out there fully appreciates this, but Shmulik has really made a significant number of improvements to the Sale. Most glaring would be the transfer of the sale to Weisberg Commons. I want everybody to reach deep inside and share with the group what they feel is Shmulik's biggest contribution. Some of you are too young to know me or what things were like in the past, but let me remind you - Shmulik is still probably even younger than you...
One of the best games ever invented first appeared at the Seforim Sale last year. You may never have heard of it, but that should be no indication of how famous the game is. It just shows how out of the loop you are.
The blog is dying because Shmulik's infernal machinations have shut it down. He has also kidnapped Josh and is holding him ransom in that little room in his office.
Having been to YU for the weekend, I can now say with expertise what is wrong with the place. Apparently they saved money during construction of the whole place by not actually using any mortar when they put the brick on all the buildings. What saved them money then is coming back to bite them now. Unless I got it all wrong, and the scaffolding is meant as a decorative touch. Either way it makes it harder for certain boys in Morg facing Amsterdam to watch the Stern shuttle unload its wares...
In an earlier post, Josh toyed with the idea that this forum would be a good place for "legions" of Shmulik adherents to unanimously declare their faith and allegiance to El Presidente (del futuro).