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An outgrowth of SOY Seforim Sale, Inc., the alumni of the LARGEST JEWISH BOOK SALE IN NORTH AMERICA reconvene to share the good times year round.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
two things:
--no recount. ever.
--shmulik should have borrow one of those cars with the huge speakers like the locals use to campaign. woulda been cool (and funny, especially if the car was spewing vote shmulik in spanish).
I think this pic should go up on onlysimchas...all you girls can put in your favorite seminary-style "I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!!! MAY YOU BUILD A BNB!!!OMGOMGOMGOMOGOMG YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" signature statements. I can't stress this enough: the caps-lock key is on the left side of the keyboard, just press it once and... abacadabra it's lower case again. Sheesh.
Diana, if THAT falls under the category of what you call 'talent', then if and when YU/SCW has a talent show, for the mental haleness and psychological wellbeing of the student body, I plead with you not to involve yourself. If you attempt to do so, I will have a restraining order signed by Shmulik and carried out by YU fellows that are bigger than you.
Tabak- the illegal's of LA have obviously taught you well.
There can be no recount. That presupposes an original count. Shmulik's victory was a foregone conclusion. I would venture to say that they never bothered counting the votes in the first place.
Who's is Leah? And why can't she comment on her own? Is it Ettie's alter ego? Or just a mix-up with Onlysimchas?
As far as the spat over appropriate postings for onlysimchas, see my new treatise at my personal blog. My word is final on the matter. I mean, we all love Sternies, but we have to have our limits.
-The Spouse
Actually I don't think your word is final. Although I can't say I've personally been in this position yet, I honestly don't think the couple is pressured into inviting people who write "I can't wait to dance at your wedding". Anyways, I would still posit that most people who write that when posting, either:
1. know they'll be invited because they're extremely close friends, 2. or are so self-centered that they shouldn't be invited to the wedding.
If anyone has some real-life empirical evidence that gainsays my assumptions, I'm sure you'll let me know.
If I had to guess I would say Leah=Benjy and she was just sitting next to Ettie when she was reading the post. If I'm wrong see above. If I'm right, Josh, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to to locate a kosher grapefruit-flavored candy, discover the location of my secret underground lair, find me inside, and give me the candy. If you choose not to accept there's not much I can do. But I've been dying to get my hands on a kosher grapefruit-flavored candy.
Muchissimo gracias; voy a investigar con la precaucion extrema.
Mother scissors went to store pond.
If this information proves true then you will be handsomely rewarded; in what currency and denomination is as of yet unclear.
If all I find is that wretched menthol lyptus flavor, then you better watch your back Jack.
Excuse-a-mwah, I was just spelling it phonetically; everyone seems to pronounce it Ben-jee. And if it’s supposed to be Bengy, why do people say Ben-jee, shouldn’t it be Ben-gee (Bĕn’gē)? Your name is Benguigui, not Benjuijui as you aptly pointed out.
And I’m sorry to burst your bubble of namesake joy, but I believe that under Article LXII Paragraph 2c of the Official Code of Transliteration it clearly states that any Hebrew word that ends with a ה receives an h at the end of word. Therefore, you, Léa, are not named after the matriarch whose name in English reads Leah. In addition, you are not Princess Leia of Star Wars. But don’t worry, be happy; revel in your uniqueness.
See Diana for your payment.
Good work, Inspector.
Wow what are the odds that TheYoungerSister would be the one to buzz in first? And who would make grapefruit flavored candy? And do cough drops really count as candy? And why is there a website called that sells it?
For the record, both Mentos and Zours make grapefruit flavored treats.
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